Mooncake -- 香橙罂粟仔冰皮月饼
Actually this is my second try on this mooncake although this type of mooncake can be consider the most easy as it can be done without the egg beater and oven. Actually the taste was the same if compare to first time, just outlook improve some. Heheh…so, maybe you can have it a try before Festival Mooncake =)

Recipe :-
材料A:糕粉100g,糖粉100g ( KOH Flour 100g, Icing sugar 100g)
材料B:白油40g,橙皮屑1大匙,淡奶2大匙,罂粟仔10g (White Oil 40g, Orange dander 1 tablespoon, evaporated milk 2 tablespoons, Poppy Seed 10g)
材料C:橙汁50ml,冷水100ml (Orange Juice 50ml, Cold water 100ml)
馅料:莲蓉适量(Lotus with suitable amount base on your mooncake mold)
1. 将材料A放入大碗,加入材料B拌匀
(Put the material A into big bowl, add material B and mix well)
2. 倒入材料C拌成软团,分13等份,每份约30g
(Pour material C and then mix it until become like a dough, sub it into 13 equal portion, each about 30g)
3. 将做法(2)包入馅料,搓圆后收紧。
(Take the (2) package into stuffing, rub it round shape and then tightened.
4. 将(3)放入撒上糕粉的月饼模,压紧,敲出,一直重复直到材料用完
(Get the (3) and put into the mooncake mold, press it tight and get it out, repeat until the material finish)
5. 将月饼放进冰箱冷藏即可
(Put the mooncake into refrigerator for around 2 hours)
G-Force Movie
Release Date : 17 September 2009
Synopsis : Producer Jerry Bruckheimer brings his first 3D film to the big screen with 'G-FORCE,' a comedy adventure about the latest evolution of a covert government program to train animals to work in espionage. Armed with the latest high-tech spy equipment, these highly trained guinea pigs discover that the fate of the world is in their paws.
Movies about secret agents have been on screen long before James Bond, and movies in which animals speak and have personalities have also been with us for quite some time. What we've never seen, however, is a movie about secret agents who also happen to be animals? what's more in a combination of live action, animation and Digital 3D.

First time sit at twin type of seat at GSC. Hehe...nothing special, just a bigger chair and without the divider at the middle. G-Force : the World needs bigger Heroes
SAM ROCKWELL is Agent Darwin
Quote : "Leave No Rodent Behind"
The squad leader determined to succeed at all costs TRACY MORGAN is Agent Blaster
Quote: " Tick Tick Boom"
An outrageous weapons expert with tons of attitude and a love for all things extreme PENÉLOPE CRUZ is Agent Juarez
Quote: " If Looks Could Kill, You'd be Dead Already"
A sexy martial arts pro NICOLAS CAGE is Agent Speckles
Quote: " I'm a Mole, I have a thing for Worms"
The computer and information specialist MOOCH is Agent Mooch
Surveillance, Eye in the sky JON FAVREAU is Agent Hurley
Queto: "Piece Of Cake"
Civilian Communication
Annabelle's Place @ Tanjung Bungah
Overall, I felt the food and dessert was just normal but the environment was nice. The decoration of shop make so cozy and such a relaxing place when having meal there and is good environment for chit chat but will be perfect if add on some soft music. Hahah….(this is our own opinion).

I felt this was slightly expensive as the cake and sandwich was just normal. Initiate I thought was RM17.9, but unfortunately I wrongly read the menu as RM17.9 was the hi tea for 1 =(

10 Lebuh Lembah Permai 4,
11200 Tanjung Bungah, Penang.
Tel: 04-8901098.
Opening Hours: Tues- Sat 11.30am-2.30pm, 4.30pm-10.00pm
Song River Bak Kut Teh @ Gurney Drive
Actually Song River famous of the Bak Kut Teh but I never try it as my mum don’t like the “White” Bak Kut Teh. She said the clear soup of Bak Kut Teh doesn’t looks nice and not attractive enough. Btw, she likes Claypot Fish head Bee Hoon Soup the most. Usually, we ordered fish head that without fried so able to feel the fish head was very fresh and sweet. Besides, we have some default dishes when we visit there. Hmm…all yummy yummy =P
Song River Bak Kut Teh located at Gurney Drive

Song River Bah Kut Teh
Tel : 012-4088345
Foong Wei Restaurant(风味) at Jalan Sri
Is good to have a reservation in advance as there was always pack with peoples so we had booked for 3 tables few days ahead before we visit there. You can either ordered according the dishes that you preferred or ordered a set dinner base on their menu. We had ordered set dinner and changed some dishes from the set. The set dinner we ordered cost RM 268 which included 7 dishes and drink all you can. I think the price was consider quite ok for me and overall the food was quite nice too and can consider satisfy. Heheh..Maybe you can have a try during lunch time or your dinner.

Special Long Chinese Cruller (特长油条王)
Overall the cruller was simply crunchy and delicious but I think is good to taken when it is fresh to make sure the crispiness. At present, there are only two types of crullers available there which is the Extra Long Cruller and the Black & White Sesame Twin (similar like Horse Shoe Shaped Sweetened Crullers) but the extra long cruller can be stuffed with various type of favor like Meat Floss and Mayonnaise, sausage, tuna and kaya, butter and etc. You can actually choose your own combination base on your taste. Impress right??
Opening Hours: 12.30pm-6pm (Closed Alternate Tuesday)